I’ve been talking about writing a newsletter for quite some time. I know there’s too much to do, and quote the plethora of things to write about, and I’ve said it enough times, but I’m going to dive in and write. That’s half the battle for any novel, novella, poetry collection. So, as uneventful as I had hoped my grand introduction to Cyber Talks was going to be I’m going to spend it talking about the pink, polka-dotted elephant in the room - procrastination. A cliched trope many of us as writers understand, I know, though lately in the age of constant distractions, endless news feeds, and existential uncertainty sometimes the bliss of tomorrow is a warm comfort compared to the cold tapping of a keyboard.
It’s easy to let the anxiety of deadlines, work, and life commitments to strangle our creative output. I’d personally attest to this, and this brief exercise is to let you all know that I’ve managed to conquer the first battle and put something out on what I hope to be an engaging platform for all my readers and colleagues.
I owe much of the drive to begin a newsletter to my good friend, Angela Yuriko Smith, who’s Authortunities newsletter serves as an example for any writer or creative individual looking to find new and exciting ways to engage their audiences.
Please consider following Cyber Talks. I can assure you there will be much more engaging topics in the future, my friends! I will aim to publisher this newsletter once a month with updates on my writing endeavors. Stay tuned!